If the site does not recognize you automatically and you have forgotten your password, click on "Forgot your password?" in the login page . you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
With each order you earn loyalty points (excluding promotional products). You receive 1 loyalty point for every €10 spent. Your loyalty points become available upon delivery of your order. They are valid for 365 days.
Once available, you can convert your loyalty points into discount vouchers at the rate of €0.20 per loyalty point. Coupons can be used on your next orders by activating them before payment.
To view your loyalty points, click "My loyalty points" on the page of your account .
When receiving your delivery, it is important to check the pallet (s) in the presence of the delivery person. You need to check and count your packages. If you notice missing packages, one or more crushed, torn or opened packages, you must open the packages and check whether some of the products are missing or have been damaged during transport. If you notice a missing or damaged product, you must make specific reservations on the delivery slip.
Here is the type of reservations that we recommend that you note on the delivery slip:
Missing package on pallet (specify the number): Specify if the pallet is unsheathed without warranty tape, X packages are missing.
Open package (specify if parts are missing): X parts missing.
Crushed parcel (specify if broken parts): X broken parts.
Torn or disemboweled parcel (specify if broken parts): X broken parts
Traces of shocks: imperatively check the contents and make a reserve on the damaged parts.
It is important to make a precise note of your reservations in order to be able to request insurance in view of a possible reimbursement.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us .
If you are looking for a wine that is not available on the site or in quantities greater than the available stock, do not hesitate to contact us .
We will do our best to meet your expectations.