
We service...

...your most beautiful emotions

Our expertise

A passion for wine
at your service

Vitis Epicuria is a fine wine distribution company based in Bordeaux since 2004.

However, it does not limit its expertise to Bordeaux wines alone, and offers a wide range of more than 2000 references from the main vineyards of France and a few foreign vineyards.

Our philosophy

The search for the best producers, associated with meeting their requirements, is at the heart of the company's philosophy because, to satisfy its customers, it must first have the confidence of its suppliers.

With its "high-end" positioning, the company serves an international private clientele and its deliveries currently cover more than 40 countries..

International presence

At the same time, a subsidiary has been active in Japan since 2010 and the pursuit of its international development has now become a priority.

Your personal sommelier

Tailor-made services

Take advantage of the skills of our team in
management of a private cellar, the resale of all or part
wines in good conditions, and of course logistics
(storage and deliveries on demand, including on boats, etc.)

2 000

16 000
bottles in stock

beautiful estates

countries served

Passion and experience

Our team supports you on a daily basis


Your contacts :

Pierre Paquereau, 
Sales manager
Mobile: 06 86 35 75 86
E-mail: ppaquereau@vitis-epicuria.com

Need advice? Pierre responds to your requests, and will help you discover the new products of our winemaking partners.

Originally from Charente, this wine and spirits enthusiast, obtained his master's degree in wines and spirits in Bordeaux in 2018 before flying to San Francisco, in order to promote French winemaking know-how. In 2022 he joined the Vitis Epicuria team.

Practicing table tennis at a high level, his travels allowed him to discover and appreciate different cultures from around the world. With these cultural experiences and his international business background in the world of wine, Pierre knows how to adapt to all situations.

Emma Dougnac, 
Market manager
Email : edougnac@vitis-epicuria.com

Smiling and dynamic, Emma will show you her favorites and our offers not to be missed.

It is in Bordeaux, where she comes from, that her passion for wine takes its source and her knowledge today covers the entire French vineyard and beyond...
In addition to her busy schedule, Emma has just joined the Master of Wine at INSEEC in Bordeaux and plays handball at a high level.
With our two athletes, we put the culture of excellence at the service of your wine selection!


Your contacts :

Cécilia Bourgeade, 
Responsible for sales administration and invoicing

She will undoubtedly be your first interlocutor!

Passionate about wine and always full of enthusiasm,
Cécilia ensures an efficient follow-up of your orders
and will also be able to advise you perfectly.

Dorian Decouty, 
Responsible for logistics and internal management

Already more than 10 years at Vitis Epicuria !

Our catalog has no secrets for Dorian
who will make sure your orders reach you
in the best possible conditions.


The Management :

Hugues Lapauw, 
Founding Partner

An Agro engineer and former financier, Hugues has been passionate about wines and spirits for a long time.

In 2004, he completed his training with the DUAD diploma at the Faculté
d'Œnologie de Bordeaux, before being a judge for several selections (INAO in
Bordeaux, Guide Hachette...). The same year, he founded Vitis Epicuria with Bertrand Celerier, who retired in 2019.

He is also a teacher at the Institut Paul Bocuse and an analyst for a Parisian bank. Hugues has many skills and will be able to share them with you!

Stéphane Decker, 
Partner, replacing the co-founder

An engineer from Alsace, Stéphane is a connoisseur of the wines from his region. Like the founder, he also left the financial world to join Vitis Epicuria in 2020.

Since then, he has successfully breathed new life into Vitis Epicuria, particularly in the administrative, financial and IT areas, with a new version of our website, but also in the strategic and commercial areas.

As an amateur and taster of great wines, Stéphane is also studying at the DUAD in Bordeaux to complete his experience with a diploma that is recognized in the world of wine.